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Tin khác
Nearly 300 blood units collected at the 45th blood donation program
Lac Hong Racing Car 2021 held
Signing ceremony of cooperation between LHU and Vietnam Suzuki Co., Ltd
LHU signs with An Khang Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company
The first two Associate Professors appointed
8 out of 12 innovative solutions won prizes at “Promote initiatives and creativity in labor and learning” contest
Presenting Tet gifts to AO/dioxin victims
Ngo Thi Kieu Xuan wins The 2nd Face NNA 2020 Contest
The 2nd Face NNA "Not only good look"
LHU successfully held the 34th LHU Science and Technology Festival
Free bus tickets 2021 for Tet offered to LHU students
LHU Laborer Conference 2020 to be held
Tin khác