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Message from the dean

Dear Leaders, Enterprises, Parents and all generations of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Lac Hong University, beloved!

At the end of the marvellous high school years, many generations of students have decided to become the Pharmacists, a challenging profession as its importance and high responsibility is to protect people’s health. The Faculty of Pharmacy, Lac Hong University has become a reliable place for students  to undergo 5 academic years with the motivation to accomplish their own passions and succeed in the future. Since they entered the Faculty of Pharmacy at Lac Hong University, they might have become not only the greatest of our “treasure”, but also a valuable workforce for our country in the future. Therefore, it is our staffs’ responsibility to support and foster these individuals’ gifted.

The Faculty of Pharmacy, Lac Hong University has established since 2013 and has had more than 8 years of development with the primary principle of focusing on learners as the center of all the Faculty’s activities. As the staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy, we always acknowledge all contributions, as well as  have the support coming from all management states (Department of Health), Entrepreneurs, Parents, Alumni, and students. Furthermore, we have continuously improved our education system to meet not only the needs of businesses but also international integration’s requirement. With this orientation, our faculty has registered the training program accreditation according to AUN-QA standards (Southeast Asian University Network), improved educational quality, reviewed all teaching and learning methods continuously. Indeed, students are provided more opportunities to participate in fieldtrips, placements and internships in major organizations operating in the health sector such as hospitals, pharmaceutical factories, and pharmacy chains, etc. In addition, there are scientific research activities, start-up competitions, Youth Union and Student Union activities in order to facilitate students with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for  their work in the future.

The Faculty of Pharmacy’s determination is to train generations of responsible Pharmacists having willing to improve their proficiency and good ethics so as to become People’s Pharmacist and accomplish their dreams. Over the past years, many generations of graduates from the LHU’s Faculty of Pharmacy have been successful and have affirmed themselves in society, so our training quality is also recognized by many enterprises. To achieve these achievements, it is inevitable to appreciate the merit and contributions of all management states (Department of Health), Entrepreneurs, Parents, Alumni, and the continuous efforts of all staffs in the faculty. These things have contributed to create a solid and strong Faculty of Pharmacy.

Best regards,

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
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