In the morning of August 19, members of Lac Hong Robocon team gathered at a launching ceremony to prepare for the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2014, which will be held in India on Sunday, August 24.
Attending the launching ceremony were Head of Dong Nai provincial Department of Propaganda and Training Huynh Van Toi; Representative of Dong Nai provincial Emulation and Reward Board Nguyen Tien Dung; LHU Secretary of Party Committee Nguyen Trung Phuong; LHU Rector People's Teacher Dr. Do Huu Tai - Chairman of Trustees Board; Vice Rectors Dr. Diep Cam Thu - Chairman of Trade Union; Lam Thanh Hien, M.A, - Head of Robocon delegation; members of University Management Board, representatives of units and members of robocon teams.
Addressing the ceremony, comrade Huynh Van Toi commissioned Dong Nai - based Lac Hong robot delegation, Vietnam to take every effort to achieve the best result to bring honor to the provicne and the nation as well. He also stressed that "This is an intellectual competition. In addition to triumph target, the robocon team has to compete fairly to glorify national colours before international lens and press".
Defending the championship title successfully at National Robot Contest for five consecutive years (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014), the LH-NVN team from Lac Hong University will represent Viet Nam at the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2014 held in India. Hopefully, Dong Nai - based Lac Hong University Robocon team will take the highest place at this international technology playground.

Head of robocon delegation Lam Thanh Hien stated the launching ceremony.
The whole robocon delegation expressed their high-leveled determination at the event.
Distinguished guests, University Management Board and robocon delegation took a souvenir photo at the launching ceremony.