At Lac Hong University

LHU - Scientific works win VIFOTEC and WIPO prizes

In early January, 2014 Vietnam Fund for Supporting Technological Creations (VIFOTEC) has officially published a list of works that win prizes at 2013 Vietnam Scientific and Technological Creations Award and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Vifotec is seen as one of the nationally honorable scientific awards. This award aims to evaluate creative research abilities of scientists. Its birth has brought scientists, intellectuals, creators and all Vietnamese labors opportunities to assert their intelligence and research competence. The award also honors scientists who have socio - economic valued scientific research works and encourages researchers to carry out deep studies and apply modern technology sciences into production and life.

Research work "Automatic spark coil assembling system" is supporting production at Nectokin VN company.

After launching the prize on March 23, 2013 the Organizing Board of Vietnam Scientific and Technological Creations Award has received 86 works including fields of Mechanical Engineering - Automation (18 works); Bio-technology (35 works); Information Technology; Electronics, Telecommunications (8 works); Eco-friendly Technology and the Use of Natural Resources (11) Materials Technology (8); Energy Saving and New Energy Use (6). Accordingly, the Organization Board has selected 34 excellent works to give prizes.

Automatic goods transporting truck using smart - agv transferred to Changsin VN company.

Participating in the Award, LHU has 5 research works. Three of them are listed for prizes as follow

- WIPO prize and Second prize at VIFOTEC with the work "Designing and making automatic spark coil assembling system carried out by Pham Van Toan; Ngo Thanh Binh and Nguyen Van Tan.

- Third prize with the work "Solution to automatically transport goods using smart - ag" made by Tran Van Thanh; Tran Viet Thien and Nguyen Quang Cuong.

- Consolation prize with "Locating for robots to move by using camera and landmark" by Le Hoanh Anh and Ngo Van Thuyen.

At 08:00 p.m on April 24, 2014 at Opera House in Hanoi city, the awarding ceremony of Vietnam Scientific and Technological Creations Award will be held. The event will be broadcast live on Vietnam Television - VTV 2.

By Diem Nhi - trans. by WBE

VIFOTEC, Scientific works, WIPO, Vietnam Scientific and Technological Creations Award

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